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Jinhua Zhongxing Communication Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional company engaged in the R&D, production, and installation of outdoor shelter, outdoor cabinets, outdoor base station, mergency telecom base station, towers and other communication base stations, as well as outdoor supporting facilities for data centers, environmental, transportation, power, and climate monitoring station.


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HOME >> News center >>Company news >> Brief introduction to military shelter standards

Brief introduction to military shelter standards

In field conditions, the shelter can provide a suitable environment and effective protection for operators and electronic equipment. The United States began to develop and develop military shelters in the 1950s. After decades of development, people have fully realized the superiority of shelters in mobility, technology, usability, economy and logistics support, etc., and shelters have been widely used in direct combat, technical support and logistics support equipment. All countries are actively developing military shelters, and the corresponding standards and norms are constantly improving.


A new type of disassembled self-supplied insulated shelter appeared on the plateau frontier

United States military shelter standard development

The United States military shelter represents the advanced level and technical development direction of the world today, whether in product development, technical standards, technical performance, or in technology manufacturing and equipment applications are in the world's leading position. In 1975, the United States Army established the Joint Tactical Shelter Committee to regulate the development of shelter, which has successively formulated more than 60 general specifications, product specifications, material specifications and test specifications involving the United States military shelter. These include ASTM E1925-01 "Code for Engineering and Design of Rigid Wall Movable Structures", ASTM E1976-01 "Specification for Non-Extended Tactical Shelter", ASTM E1977-01 "Specification for Single Side Extended Tactical Shelter", ASTM E 1978-01 "Specification for Double Side Extended Tactical Shelter", and ASTM E 1091-03 "Specification for Non-metallic Honeycomb Core for shelter Panels", ASTM E 1730-04 "Specification for Rigid Foam Core for Structural Sandwich Panels", ASTM E 1851-97 "Standard Test Method for Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of Rigid Wall Movable Structures", ASTM E 1974-01 "S-250/G" Electrical Equipment Shelter Code and other core U.S. military shelter standards.

In 1990, the Joint Tactical Shelter Board approved the MIL-STD-911 Hardwall Tactical Shelter Standard Series, which listed 16 basic shelters for land, sea, air, and Marine Corps, and specified that "all subsequent hardwall shelters must meet the requirements of MIL-STD-907 extended and non-extended shelter engineering and design guidelines." After that, it was revised in 2003, and finally formed 17 varieties, 35 types/models of shelter, and established the corresponding product specifications. The standard shelter series is a mandatory variety promoted by the U.S. Department of Defense, and the procurement departments need to apply to the Joint Tactical Shelter Committee before adopting the new variety of shelter.

The U.S. military's standard tactical shelter series is as follows:

Land force

(1) Type I cargo shelter: camouflage and desert camouflage type, honeycomb core panel;

(2) S-250/G electrical equipment shelter: ordinary and shielded shelter, foam - beam slab;

(3) S-788/G light electrical equipment shelter: Type I and type III shielded shelter, honeycomb core large board;

(4) Type II cargo shelter: camouflage and desert camouflage type, honeycomb core large board;

(5) Type III cargo shelter: desert camouflage type, honeycomb core board;

(6) S-280/G electrical equipment shelter: ordinary and shielded shelter. Foam - beam slab;

(7) Type IV cargo shelter: camouflage and desert camouflage type, honeycomb core large board;

(8) ISO Tactical shelter: S-781/G and S-782/G, honeycomb core large board;

(9) S-530A/G expansion shelter: double expansion, shielding shelter, honeycomb core large board;

(10) ISO Extended shelter: Single extension, S-783/G and S-784/G, honeycomb core large board;

(11) ISO Extension shelter: Double extension, S-785/G and S-786/G, honeycomb core panel;

(12) Biochemical protection combination shelter: 8:1, soft and hard wall combination shelter, hard wall shelter is honeycomb core panel;

(13) Modular expansion combination shelter: 7:1 and 8:1, lateral expansion combination, honeycomb core large board.


(1) 10-inch ISO shelter: ordinary and shielded shelter, honeycomb core large panel;

(2) 20 ft ISO shelter: normal and shielded shelter, honeycomb core panels;

(3) Naval Air Systems Command ISO composite shelter series: a size series of 6 models of single shelter combination, foam - beam slab;

(4) ISO disassembled shelter: 5:1 (4 shelter disassembled large plates into an ISO shelter for transportation), honeycomb core large plate.

Air force

(1) Modular expansion combination shelter: 7:1 and 8:1, lateral expansion combination, honeycomb core large board.

The modular extension shelter is suitable for both the Army and Air Force.

The establishment of the United States standard shelter series shows that the development and application of the United States general shelter has always been committed to the "three" work of the product.

Standard condition of our military shelter

China has started the development of shelter since the early 1980s, and developed the first large-plate shelter in 1989. On the basis of this technology, China has formulated military standards such as "General Code of Shelter for Military Electronic Equipment" and "CAF40PD Shelter Code" to regulate shelter. In 2007, the General Armament Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army approved and issued the General Specification for Military shelter, which is the general requirement for the development of shelter in China. In the same year, the "Military Shelter Series Spectrum" was released to further standardize the production of military shelters.

In addition to the criteria mentioned above, China's current effective standards for military shelter mainly include "Code for Corner parts of Military shelter", "Code for Fastening Appliances of Military Shelter", "General Code for Air conditioning Equipment of Military Shelter", "General Code for Maintenance of Military Aircraft", "Test Method for shielding effectiveness of Military Electronic Equipment", "General Test Code for Military Shelter", "Code and Mark of Military shelter", and "Military Code" "And military standards relating to shelter fittings, equipment, and spare parts.


Compared with the development of the US military shelter, China's shelter has long been in a state of liberalized development in technology and product structure. It is necessary to learn from the work experience of the US military shelter development, application and equipment products, carry out the domestic shelter type and product standardization work, and promote the development of relevant standards simultaneously.

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